HMT documentation Technical documentation for editors and contributors

Editing the Iliadic text

Hard-copy editing

  1. Your first step will be to edit a hard copy of the text. You will be given a print out of the Iliadic text that corresponds to what is on your folio.
  2. With the folio up on at least one screen, working in groups of two or more, read through the text, marking any and all differences between your hard copy and what is on the screen.
  3. You can ignore critical signs and speech markers.
  4. You should mark the following:
    • differences in accents and breathing
    • differences in spelling
    • abbreviations (see the Editors’ Guide on what abbreviations we expand without comment and what abbreviations we use mark up for)
    • corrections and erasures
    • metrical marks (macrons or breves)
  5. Sign and date the paper.

XML Editing

  1. Have the image of the folio on one screen and the xml file you are editing (should be in Editions/Iliad) on another. Also have out the hard copy you previously edited.
  2. Update the XML with the changes you recorded, be sure to verify what you have done by rechecking the manuscript itself. If there are additional descrepancies, be sure to note them in another color. Sign and date the hard copy again.
  3. Refer to the Editors’ Guide for the mark up you need. Common mark up includes:
    • personal, place, and ethnic identifications
    • abbreviations
    • scribal corrections
    • damage to the manuscript resulting in missing text

This list is not exhaustive. Reference your Editors’ Guide!

Always double check that the text you edited from the hard copy is the text that is in your template file for the XML, they should be the same


When doing the XML editing, you may need to go into the special characters menu for things like combining diareses, macrons, breves, etc.

It is a good idea to have the appropriate authority lists open for the personal and place names. Be sure to try all variations in spellings. If you find a variation in spelling is missing from the descriptor, use the issue tracker to propose changes. You can also use the issue tracker to propose additional personal and place names not on the list. When you do this, you must include the following:

  • the name, and variant spellings
  • a clear description of who the person is, especially if there is more than one person by that name
  • the full text URN for where the name appears