Homer Multitext project: summer experience 2021
Dates: June 28 - July 9, inclusive
Times: M-F, 12:00-1:00 eastern time
This year’s summer experience will introduce participants to the full process of editing a manuscript of the Iliad with scholia for the Homer Multitext project.
We will be working on Iliad 4 in an important 11th-century manuscript, the “Venetus B”(Venice, Marciana 453 = 821).
You can find assignments of individual pages for each team on the teams page.
- Please treat yourself by (re)reading Iliad 4 in your favorite translate. Or be really nice to yourself, and read the first four books of the Iliad in your favorite translation.
- Please follow the instructions on this page to install the software we will be using. Everyone need to use Visual Studio Code with the Live Share extension on day 1. To take on the role of hosting a session later in the program, you’ll need to have Julia installed with Pluto notebooks.