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Cloning your repository

  1. Copy the URL for your repository to your clipboard.
  2. In VS Code, from the View menu, choose Command Palette (or use the shortcut command-shift-P). Begin typing Git: Clone and enter. When you’re prompted with a message like this, paste in the repository’s URL.
  3. In the following dialog box, select someplace convenient to clone the repository - perhaps your Desktop. Don’t worry about cluttering your Desktop: we’ll throw the clone away at the end of the work session.
  4. You’ll have to confirm that you really want to do this: choose Open (not Open in New Window).

Note where you cloned the repository

You’ll need to be able to open your repository’s validating notebook from a web browser, so note where you saved the clone.

⭐️ Tip

If you’re not sure where in your file system you saved the clone, open a terminal in VS Code. (Terminal menu, New Terminal.)

If you’re using Windows Power Shell, you’ll probably see a prompt that lists the path to the repository. If you’re using bash or another shell in OS X, type pwd at the prompt.

You can copy the full path to your clipboard before before you open your Pluto notebook.