Opening your validating notebook

It will take a couple of minutes for your Pluto notebook to build, so it’s important to start your notebook as soon as you’ve cloned your repository.

Starting the Pluto server

  1. Open Julia.
  2. At the julia> prompt, enter using Pluto, then

This will open a page in your default web browser that looks like this:

Loading the validating notebook

Within your team’s github repository, there is a directory named notebooks, that includes a file named midvalidator-VERSION.jl. You need to enter the path to that file in the box labelled Open from file:. If you have copied the path to your repository to your clipboard, paste that in to the box. Complete the path by adding notebooks/midvaliator-VERSION.jl.

The Pluto file browser supports tab-completion, so you can type a few letters of the file name and use the tab key to complete the name.